Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?
Israel and Ukraine don’t have the luxury of fighting fecklessly.
We all mostly communicate with people and organizations that share our views
Do We Still Understand How Wars Are Won?
Israel and Ukraine don’t have the luxury of fighting fecklessly.
Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription.
The Gender Gap Is Now a Gender Gulf
The consequences for America’s political future are enormous — and a little unpredictable.
A Conservative Futurist and a Supply-Side Liberal Walk Into a Podcast …
Could the U. S. economy be twice as large today if it hadn’t made policy mistakes in the 1970s?
The point they totally missed is how the concentration of wealth and its monopoly power in the economy has stifled innovative. See THE BIG AI RISK NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE ARE SEEING
The response to our algorithmically remade world can’t simply be that algorithms are bad, sensu stricto. Such a stance isn’t just untenable at a practical level—algorithms aren’t going anywhere—but it also undermines unimpeachably positive use cases, such as the employment of AI in cancer diagnosis. Instead, we need to adopt a more sophisticated approach to artificial intelligence, one that allows us to distinguish between uses of AI that legitimately empower human beings and those—like hypothetical AI dating concierges—that wrest core human activities from human control. But making these distinctions requires us to re-embrace an old idea that tends to leave those of us on the left rather squeamish: human nature.
American business elites would prefer a strong economy without a resurgent labor movement, which is exactly what Trump is offering.
Exploring the policies, people, and ideas reshaping the global economy
Joe Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods mark the decisive rejection of an economic orthodoxy that dominated American policy making for nearly half a century.
The Authoritarians Have the Momentum
Liberalism’s nice rules aren’t enough of a sales pitch.
I Was a Republican Partisan. It Altered the Way I Saw the World.
Your emotions will often lead you astray.