NYTimes: From Roe to Trump
When is a cause worth courting chaos?
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NYTimes: Behind 2016’s Turmoil, a Crisis of White Identity
From “Brexit” to the rise of Donald Trump, white anxiety is fueling political unrest in the West.
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Author explains why Democrats have zero chance of winning the Houseuntil 2030
Comey oversteps in quest for transparency – City
Donald Trump and the Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy – TheAtlantic
NYTimes: The Long Shadow of J. Edgar Hoover
The F.B.I. has been trying to escape its past. James Comey isn’t helping.
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Farmers Are Huge Trump Supporters. Here’s Why.
School segregation – You have received a YouTube video!
NYTimes: The R.N.C.’s ‘Don’t Get Out the Vote’ Drives
Trump’s abhorrent efforts to keep black and other minority citizens from voting are only the latest example of a long-running Republican strategy.
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