Author: Jim
NYTimes: 7 Medical Leaders to Politicians: Save Lives, Not Wall Street
7 Medical Leaders to Politicians: Save Lives, Not Wall Street
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NYTimes: Trump to New York: Drop Dead
NYTimes: How the World’s Richest Country Ran Out of Face Masks⁷
How the World’s Richest Country Ran Out of Face Masks
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NYTimes: Density Is Normally Good for Us. That Will Be True After Coronavirus, Too.
Density Is Normally Good for Us. That Will Be True After Coronavirus, Too.
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NYTimes: Republicans Add Insult to Illness
Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance – Tomas Pueyo – Medium
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NYTimes: Harsh Steps Are Needed to Stop the Coronavirus, Experts Say⁸
Harsh Steps Are Needed to Stop the Coronavirus, Experts Say
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Watch “Why obvious lies make great propaganda” on YouTube
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