NYTimes: There Will Be No Trump Coup

There Will Be No Trump Coup nyti.ms/2GQEBsm

This is a very good comment bout this article from the NYTimes.

Bethesda11h ago
Times Pick

Granted, that Trump is incompetent in every measurable way, thanks for the examples (there are many, many more). But the defining characteristic of authoritarians worldwide is not competence, but rather ruthlessness, accompanied by equally ruthless enablers. And the one thing that concentrates authoritarians’ minds is fear of prison, for them, their families and cronies, once they leave office. On current form, Trump very much appears to be a criminal on the brink of indictment, as evidenced by the multitude of his alleged tax evasions and crony emoluments. He has populated his regime with enablers, most dangerously in the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security. Not to mention the Senate and the Supreme Court. So, as they say, it ain’t over ’til it’s over.