**** The Rise and Fall of the Word ‘Monopoly’ in American Life

****** Why Judges Let Monopolists Off the Hook

“If Americans want to protect the economy from Goliaths that trample all over workers and small businesses, Congress and the states are going to have to pass new laws that make it easier to bring, and win, antitrust cases,” @ZephyrTeachout writes:


The Great Grocery Squeeze

Food deserts “didn’t materialize around the country for no reason,” @stacyfmitchell writes. “Something happened. That something was a specific federal policy change in the 1980s.” https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/12/food-deserts-robinson-patman/680765/?gift=yGKGqaI9BMfIDuch_TrGYZHF6lsh3gwbKjT04v0Dyvo&utm_source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social